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- About Rainmaker...
- Brandon Lee

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- Crank up the volume! There is music you know
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Welcome to my abode. I've got the 'News' page up, with lots of Salvation info, and all my soundtrack audios and movie clips are working now. I still have to finish the 'About Rainmaker', 'Brandon Lee' and 'Merchandise Store' sections along with the movie audios, so be patient cause I'm a busy girl.

(One more thing. I'd like to clear this up for everyone since I get this a lot. I AM A FEMALE. I mean, would a GUY actually choose a name like RAINMAKER? Did you ever read my poetry? Mon Dieu! I need to put up some pictures of me so you people won't be so confused! Thank you very much. RM.)

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Free Speech Online

Dani - For her patience with me and for being a great friend
Moon Mistress - For all her advice and putting up with my ignorance (thanks, Moony!)
All my fellow web-junkies - For their support and great crow sites!
My Mom - Who told me she liked my site, no matter how weird it seemed to her
Manny - (I like you lotz!) For picking me up when I am down (and for liking my poems)
All you people who visit! - Keep loving The Crow!!!